Friday, March 15, 2013

Batesville Day Shirt Design

For this project we had to design a t-shirt for Batesville Day. Batesville day is a celebration of a local small town. I made this design by first starting with the ribbons. I first made a square using the rectangular marquee tool then using the warp function I curved the rectangle. After that I made two squares and cut triangles out of them. I placed them at the ends and added shadows and a gradient overlay to make it look more realistic. To get the type to curve with the ribbon I pen tooled the bottom of the ribbon curve and just used that as a text line. After I did the same thing with the bottom ribbon I tried to find pictures of apple butter since thats what they asked for. I found a picture of apple butter and an apple. I put the apple next t o it to make sure you knew it was apple butter. Then I just added a filter.  I like how this turned out and would't change a thing.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Alphabet Project

In this project we had to find or make the letters of the alphabet and take pictures of them. We then had to arrange them all on one picture. We did it by using our phones and ipods to create the letters. We took the pictures on one of the lunch tables. We weren't really inspired by anything. We just thought it would be cool to make the alphabet using something we use all the time. I think this project turned out really well and the only thing I would do over again would be to take more time to take the pictures and arrange the letters.