Friday, December 14, 2012

NAPP Tutorial 2

Horror Film Effect
For this project we were told to use NAPP tutorials to make things. I approached this project by following the guidelines pretty strictly. I did change some things at the end. I thought it looked a little dull so I added some color correction. I also added the movie title. I love how this turned out.

NAPP Tutorial 1

Explosive Tutorial
For this project we were told to make projects using the NAPP website tutorials. The first one I did was this one. It is an explosive effect. I approached this by adding my logo and just following the tutorial. I think it turned out pretty well. I really like the blurred particles, it gives it depth.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Card Design For Troops

For this project we had to make a card for troops. I approached this by making the squares with the letters then adding them to the background. And adding some cool effects. I didn't have much time to finish it up because I only had one class period. But I am pretty happy for how this turned out. It would have been a lot better if I could have made the boxes 3D using Cinema 4D. I also didn't have much time to make the snow covering the boxes look realistic.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Audi R8 Ad

For this project we had to make our own ad for a product we liked. I love cars so I choose to do an Audi R8. I approached the project by getting a .png of an Audi then adding effects and other stuff. I am pretty happy for how this turned out. I really like the line effect I did to show the title of the graphic and my logo. I think it looks a lot more professional.