Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Filtered Self-Portraits

In this project we were told to take pictures of ourselves and edit them using different filters. Then we had to put them into a 3x3 grid and put it in a picture frame. I approached this project by trying to make the middle picture stand out the most. I thought it would help see what the real picture looked like then compare it to the filtered pictures. My inspiration came from seeing other similar projects and seeing what I could do better. I'm very satisfied with my project. I think the frame really represents me because I love soccer. Also the by Lucas text below is going to be my signature from now on. :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Visual Pun's

For this assignment we had to make visual puns. For example, when you think fruit punch you think juice but if you think about it literally then it sounds like your punching someone with fruit. I approached this project by making every picture as realistic as I could. I got inspiration from other visual puns I saw. I'm extremely satisfied with my Seafood pun. I took the most time on that. All the other ones aren't very good. I needed to find graphics packs that included cracks and other things but I couldn't find any.